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Code of Conduct

Local Government Association statement on the new National Code of Conduct produced in 2020

The role of councillor across all tiers of local government is a vital part of our country’s system of democracy. It is important that as councillors we can be held accountable and all adopt the behaviours and responsibilities associated with the role.

Our conduct as an individual councillor affects the reputation of all councillors. We want the role of councillor to be one that people aspire to. We also want individuals from a range of backgrounds and circumstances to be putting themselves forward to become councillors.

As councillors, we represent local residents, work to develop better services and deliver local change. The public have high expectations of us and entrust us to represent our local area, taking decisions fairly, openly, and transparently. We have both an individual and collective responsibility to meet these expectations by maintaining high standards and demonstrating good conduct, and by challenging behaviour which falls below expectations.

Importantly, we should be able to undertake our role as a councillor without being intimidated, abused, bullied, or threatened by anyone, including the general public. This Code has been designed to protect our democratic role, encourage good conduct and safeguard the public’s trust in local government.

  • It is mandatory that your local Town / Parish Council adopts a Code of Conduct for its Members’ and to have a Register of Members’ Interests. Both should be freely available on the Council’s website.
  • It is required that the Council’s Code of Conduct complies with the Seven Principles of Public Life, and to set out how Councillors will have to disclose and register Pecuniary and Other interests.
  • It is required that the District Council’s Monitoring Officer establish and maintain the Register of Members’ interests for the whole district area. It is Monitoring Officer who would investigate potential breaches of the code.
  • Copy of the LGA Code of Conduct: LGA Code of Conduct 2020
  • It is possible for a Councillor to be granted a dispensation by the Clerk / Council to take part in an agenda item that they would normally have to declare an interest in, if it is felt that the Member has a vital contribution to make or if the council would be unable to function without their presents.