How to make effective representations to planning applications
This is a 2 hour online training course “How to make effective representations to planning applications”
The course will cover:
- Introduction to planning;
- What are material considerations? An overview of what these are;
- How to draft a representation, including some sample text that can be used in letters and what to include (Positive and negative aspects, suggestions for improvement and recommendation);
- Planning Conditions: How to apply planning conditions;
- Monitoring decisions; and
- Consider a range of Case Studies on the following common planning themes:
- Change of use;
- New homes or buildings;
- Retrospective planning applications;
- Large developments; and
- Outline, Reserved Matters and Full Planning.
- Questions and Answers
About our Trainer:
Hannah Barter, BA (Hons), Dip T&CP, MAUD, MRTPI
Hannah Barter is a Director and Partner of Urban Vision Enterprise CIC and has 18 years’ experience in planning and community development, working in the public, private and third sectors. Her experience and expertise include planning, heritage community projects, land development, arboriculture, urban design, community engagement and environmental education. Hannah was a co-author in ‘Connections’ 12 approaches to relationship- based place making, is currently writing an online training module for RTPI Planning Aid England on Community Engagement. Hannah also holds volunteer roles at:
- 1st Cheadle Guides.
- Advantage Creative Board Member.
- MELA Associate.
- Staffordshire University Associate.
To book: Please visit our booking site: