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Health & Wellbeing

Health and wellbeing are essential parts of everyday life and as the first tier of local government town and parish councils play a significant role in ensuring communities are more robust, healthier and thriving places to live.

Through the SPCA health and wellbeing project we have collated a number of resources and information sources to support town and parish councils (T/PC) working on the health and wellbeing agenda.

For further discussion on any of the links, materials or resources below please contact:
Andy Wheeler – Health & Wellbeing Project Officer, email:


What Impacts Health

Health is greatly impacted not only by our behaviours but by the environment around us. The wider determinants of health are a diverse range of social, economic and environmental factors which influence people’s mental and physical health. This includes where we live, the local environment, our education, work and social groups. Often these factors are outside of our control yet directly impact on health.

Figure 1: the Dahlgren and Whitehead model of the main determinants of health.

Wider-Determinants image


Health and Wellbeing Toolkit

To support T/PC wanting to address issues around health and wellbeing we have pulled together a toolkit below, consisting of information on funding, training, resources and relevant partner organisations for T/PC to be aware of when considering work on this agenda.


Further Information

The SPCA Health and Wellbeing Project was launched in partnership with Staffordshire County Council, who recognise the strong leadership role town and parish councils can have in influencing population health. The project aims to champion the health and wellbeing agenda with our member T/PC and provide support to those working on this topic.

If your T/PC is enthused by improving the health and wellbeing of your local community please do get in touch with the project officer to share your thoughts, ideas and discuss opportunities, as we may be able to support with your endeavours.

Contact: Andy Wheeler – Health and Wellbeing Project Officer, email: