Better Health Staffordshire – The aim of Better Health Staffordshire is to create a system network where partners and communities work collectively, over the long term to develop, implement and evaluate a shared vision and actions which tackle the causes of obesity and promote a healthy weight and an active lifestyle. There is a wealth of information on wider determinants of health and area specific information available via the Better Health Staffordshire website.
Centre for Ageing Better – As the national and local population becomes increasingly older, there are a number of things T/PC can do to enable their communities to become more age friendly. This online booklet provides an initial framework to consider.
Everyone Health Staffordshire – Everyone wants to be healthy and Everyone Health are here to help make that happen. Commissioned by Staffordshire County Council they offer free programmes proven to have long term benefits. The free 40-74 years health checks are a great example of something T/PC can coordinate in partnership with Everyone Health. For further information please visit their website here.
Health & Wellbeing ‘How To’ Guide for Town and Parish Councils – An easy to use guide sharing some of the many themes and initiatives T/PC can consider to positively impact the health and wellbeing of residents. H&W How To Guide for T&PC Feb25
Homelessness – SPCA occasionally receive enquires from T/PC regarding homelessness or rough sleeping. Each District Council will have a housing team who will manage homelessness and details of such can be found on their respective websites. To keep things simple, there is a national website ‘StreetLink‘, which can be used by anyone in England and Wales to send an alert about someone who is sleeping or preparing to sleep rough.
Alerts are sent to outreach teams, who go out mostly at night to connect people sleeping rough to local support services. StreetLink complements existing outreach work by alerting teams to people they haven’t seen before.
To use StreetLink to send an alert, visit their website here
National Association of Local Councils (NALC) – Host a useful health and wellbeing page and an informative resource containing example case studies and links to information for T/PC on H&W matters, visit – Health and wellbeing ( Case study resources via – Health and wellbeing case studies
Neighbourhood Planning & Health – Norfolk County Council Public Health have created a very useful Health in Neighbourhood Planning Guide which, although Norfolk focused, will be of great help to Staffordshire T/PC looking to include health themes and activities within their neighbourhood plans. Available here.
Network of Wellbeing – Are a Devon based charity that have some really interesting online content to help inspire and inform on wellbeing, see their five ways to wellbeing page for further information. Their Improving Wellbeing in your Community article is also insightful.
Staffordshire Connects – Search and find help and support in your community Staffordshire Connects
Staffordshire County Council Health and Wellbeing Strategy – A useful reference resource when planning potential work to show alignment with the County wide strategy, which funders may favour, visit – SCC Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
Staffordshire Observatory – A useful website for gaining data and insight into Staffordshire’s people and places. The resources available on this site will enable the accessing of census data at ward level, as well as a number of other local and county based insights, visit Staffordshire Observatory. Also available is a mapping tool showing information on boundaries and indices of deprivation, among other things.
Support Staffordshire – Exist to support Staffordshire based communities, individuals and organisations to work in collaboration to bring about positive change in their community by actively encouraging Social Action. They provide a host of information, support and training to the voluntary sector and lead on a number of health and wellbeing initiatives. Visit their website here.
The Kings Fund – Share publications on community health and wellbeing and have a useful ‘Creating Healthy Places’ publication, derived from the NHS healthy new towns programme. This is a useful resource for those looking to include health and wellbeing within a Neighbourhood Plan, visit – Creating Healthy Places.
Thrive at Work – Is a workplace wellbeing commitment with criteria and guidelines on creating a workplace that promotes employee health and wellbeing, focusing on key organisational enablers of health and promoting healthy lifestyles. If you have 5 employees or more and are based in the West Midlands, Thrive can support your organisation through a free wellbeing programme. Further information can be found here – Sign up to Thrive!
Throughout the year and in partnership with The Wellbeing Project, Thrive run a number of free wellbeing related webinars which SPCA members can access.
Together Active Staffordshire – Are an independent charity who use physical activity as a tool to improve the lives of Staffordshire residents. They run a number of initiatives and programmes and would be a useful consultee if considering any physical activity initiatives. They have a helpful blog page and links to further resources around physical activity. Visit their website here.
Tree Planting Schemes – There are a number of national schemes to source no or low cost trees for communities to plant in public spaces. Below are a couple of initiatives to consider.
The Woodland Trust Sakura Cherry Tree Project
Winter Resources – Staffordshire County Council have produced some useful ‘staying well this winter’ resources, see below.
Staying Well Winter Guide Staying Well Winter Poster